Sunday, February 21, 2010

Three of the reasons we do what we do!

Thatsa spicey meata ball!!!

A beautiful morning driving to church-Sat workday


This cry baby was told to cut the onions--look how he carries on about it!

Shovel Schedule--Feb. and March

--------------Snow Shovel Schedule--------------------------------

February 1-7 ----Chad Peterson-----------------------

February 8-14----Caleb and Heidi Osborne--this week only--------

February 15-21---Call to Volunteer--------------------

February 22-28---Bob Statz---------------------------

March 1-7----------Chad Peterson---------------

March 8-14-------Call to Volunteer---------------

March 15-21------Call to Volunteer----------------

March 22-28------Bob Statz----------------------

March 29-to April 4th---Chad Peterson----------

Feb13th work day a Great Success! Thanks guys!

We had 8 adults and 5 boys helping on our Sat. workday. Great job guys. You did it again!

Dale S. and Mike T. replaced bulbs

There were numerous ballasts to be replaced. Almost all lights are working now in the church. One more workday may get to the end of our lighting issues. Good job guys!

Bob S. put insulation in the holes-all four register covers

Bob has a piece of wood pried against the damper handle to eliminate drafts in the room. Nice job Bob!

Bennet W. covers a hole.

This was custom fit for the hole in the sheet-rock. Brian H. trimmed it with baseboard.

Brian H. doing trim work and painting

Lights in office hallway

These lights have brighter bulbs now.

The office area has been dark so we hope that is fixed now with brighter bulbs.

Kevin has a bid to present to the Elders to fix this

This has been a tough winter concerning ice dams. We may get a contractor to install heat tapes in the valleys.

Ryan W. on east side

Get to work!

Paul A. and Kevin A. shoveling off the roof

We were just in time for the thaw that week.

A/C removal

Inside pieces-- A/C mounting wood and trim

A/C removal and window installation

Here are the steps to A/C removal. We want to do this in Oct. and put A/C back in in May.

This slotted piece needs to go on first before the window is installed

The slotted pieces are taken out and stored in the office during the summer when the A/C is in.

Kevin working his magic

Looking at the top of the window with the slider on the left in place and the arm on the right snapped into position. There will be a test on this later.
This picture is not the correct way to install it. The crank arm on the right needs to be in the slot on the window 1st and then the lever on the left snaps in and is pushed forward to lock it in.
Well, that's how it looks when it is out.

A/C stored in garage for rest of winter

Our new goal is to install A/C on May workday and take out on Oct. workday. Wish us luck!!

Black plastic chairs--Thanks Bob S.

These chairs are in the valley of decision. But Bob S. has glued them together! If anyone sees some arms or other parts around let us know. Thanks Bob!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Work Day on Feb, 13th Sat 9:00 AM. to 2:00 PM.

Take a look at the projects that are on the blog and bring some tools.

We want to take out the A/C units in the offices and put in the windows. Would you like to do that? Chad will love you!!! -----DONE---THANKS KEVIN!

Mike T. had some sand spread in the parking lot. Yes! Mike T. found 2 tons of sand and salt that was spread on Feb. 1st. It helped alot! Thanks ! Kevin A. who used his skid loader on Thurs. the 4th to clean the ice away in front of the east entry. Thanks!

We will reevaluate the partitions and see if we need more reworking and make some decisions.
We still want a "heavy duty" partition for Dodge Ball in the sanctuary. Need a plan and building materials.

Expect a call from one of the maintenance men to see if you are available. Many hands make little work.

Bring your sons and daughters to work on Saturday. Will have pizza for lunch, I hope, with the budget cuts.

Look at the blog for ideas and jobs to tackle.

Still need two volunteers for snow shoveling. Chad P. and Bob S. need help.

Ron H. needs help on chair set up. Talk to him if you want to help.

Could use a volunteer to fill a position to replace light bulbs. Would like a one year commitment.

So many guys helped on the partitions. Made a big dent on that project. Thanks guys and gals!

Mark H. did bulletin boards--Thanks! Ray G. did baby changing table and plumbing. Thanks!

Albert W. did protection cages in sanctuary. Thanks! Way to go guys!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------Snow Shovel Schedule--------------------------------

February 1-7 ----Chad Peterson-----------------------

February 8-14----Caleb and Heidi Osborne--this week only--------

February 15-21---Call to Volunteer--------------------

February 22-28---Bob Statz---------------------------

March 1-7----------Chad Peterson---------------

March 8-14-------Call to Volunteer---------------

March 15-21------Call to Volunteer----------------

March 22-28------Bob Statz----------------------

March 29-to April 4th---Chad Peterson----------

If you could add your name to this list let us know. Winter will be done soon!

Could also use a couple of guys to shovel off the roof valleys. Thanks.

Missions Cabinet

These two cabinets could be listed on Craig's list. Any help on this?

Nice paint job Cindy!

Behind this stage we have some trim to install--see Brian

Trim behind stage, let's do this Sat.

Saturday Feb. 13th 9am to 2pm Workday

Chimney needs some attention. Drafty.

East side valley need help

Sat. workday could employ a shoveler on this project.

South west valley needs help.

I throw salt up here and try to pull down what I can, could use more shoveling on Sat. workday.

Cover plate broken

If anyone is driving by Menards you could pick up the cover plate and replace it Sat.

Entryway light on west side out

This is pretty high so we will find out if our 12 foot ladder will reach. Dale Selin is up on ballast sizes so we will work at recording that info and providing a storage space for the different sizes. The goal is to have someone take a year commitment on light bulb changing.

Carpet cleaning--spot cleaning

Thanks Lynn L. and Morey L. for your help June 4 with the carpet in the Fellowship Hall. The carpet cleaners had each a broken part but using both of them got the job done.

Could use brighter lighting in the office area

We have discussed this a little and would like to brighten it up in this hallway. Could go with fluorescent or better incandescent lighting.

An accumulation of snow at west side.

On Saturday workday let's clean this excess snow out of here.

Hanger stands---- Missions cabinets--Craig's List

Can we sell these or give them away? Talk to me. Can we organize this garage a little more?