Monday, July 27, 2009

It rained on Sunday and when I felt the carpet on Monday here at the northeast corner of the sanctuary is was damp. The downspout is on the other side. The water is not staying in the pipe--it leaks.

These downspouts are not hooked up in a way that directs water away from the building. All three of them need to be reconnected so water does not leak by them.

I noticed the garage door that faces the north has some gashes in it. You can enlarge the pictures to see it better. Has anyone seen these before? Maybe we should make this light a motion detector.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Old vs. new fixtures

We are entertaining a possible cost effective alternative to replacing ballasts. We may need to consider changing the entire light fixture to a more efficient one. Then we could save electricity and match the ones we have in the rest of the church. The old part of the church has the old style fixtures. We will be discussing this idea more.

You may have seen this cloth hanging down off of our sound boards. The 3m spray does a quick fix. We keep it in the garage.

Boiler infomercial

We need to have a" boiler meeting" with Tim A. and get the lowdown on this heat source. Let me know if you want to be included. A few of us should be privy to its operation.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Iron window design reattached

Saturday Mike T. and Jeffrey W. went to work to elliminate a potential hazard. The dodge balls-- ( I have heard it said that dodge ball is a religion--should I capitalize it?)--have been knocking the iron cross decoration loose because there is a slot in the iron where the screw goes in to it. Mike drilled a 3/16th hole next to the slot and-- wahla -- safety issue resolved. Thanks guys!

Here we see Ryan W. vacuuming the lady bugs out of the window sill. Thanks Ryan!

It took a couple of hours to do all four windows and it looks GREAT!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I noticed this mower in storage. Does it work? Do we use it? Bob S., do you know?---------Yes, Bob said it could go.--------- It is not self-propelled. Does it run?-------- Let's find out.

These trailer wires need to be improved on. Let's do this before someone uses it. Thanks.

We have an 8 foot and a 12 foot ladder we can use on our projects.
At the south facing entrance I see a hole in the cement/styrofoam. Jay D. and Jim H. and Jerry W. looked at it. We think some sand should be put in it and a threshhold should be glued or screwed down over the entire length---about 10 feet.
This is a diagram for the wheels on the partitions.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Church Work "half" Days

Planning ahead and setting up a schedule for some work days at the Church this summer.----------------------- July----- July-------July------------------------------------------------

Thursday----9th ------------9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.--Go to man--Jerry W.------Thanks Jay D. and Jim H. for helping out!---Exit sign fixed, door seals replaced and sheet rock taping.

Thursday----16th------------9:00 to 1:00--Go to man--Jerry W. ---Thanks Ray G. and Albert W. and Jim H. and my two boys Ryan W. and Mark W. for helping out!------Downspout replaced, threshold repaired, light switch covers replaced and ballasts diagnosed.

Saturday---- 25th------------9:00 to 1:00--Go to man--Jerry W. ----Thanks Mike T., Ryan W. and Mark W. for helping out!---------Decorative iron solidly screwed into window opening. Hymnals relocated. ---Thanks Paul A. for mowing the lawn!


Saturday------8th------------9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.--Go to man--Jerry W.----------------Thank you Jeffrey, Ryan and Mark W. for your help on the downspout and the digging. Thanks Jeffrey for replacing the toilet seat in the mens bathroom by the kitchen. Thanks Ryan and Mark for the switch covers you replaced. Good job boys!

Saturday------15th-----------9:00 to 1:00----Go to man---Mike Sch.------Thanks Mike Sch.,Mike's farm helper and Mark H. on the fine job of replacing the downspout and drain pipe on the west side entrance---only one more to do.-----Lyn and Gary L., Alice H., Sophie, and Vic Bergren did some painting in the Fellowship Hall bathroom alcove and hallway and corner classroom by AWANA office -- and other needed spots----Nice job!--Thanks !!----------------------


Saturday------12th-----------9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.---Go to man--Bennet W.-----------

Someone will be at the Church to coordinate projects.----Jerry W. and Brian H. are the co-leaders with Bennet W. and Michael Sch. making up the Building Council.

We are planning to work "half days" with start up time 9 A.M. and quit time around 1:00 P.M. --------------We can get a lot done in 4 hours.---------------------------------------------

Check your calendar for the Sat. that works for you and---- check the blog---- to see what projects interest you.

Thanks. The Building Council.