Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I had brought some partitions home to see how hard they were to fix. It is alot of work--too much for me. I will try to incorporate them into our work days. They are in the garage now with all the supplies needed. I will probably want to teach a few guys the method and then see what we can do in teams through out the summer and fall. Pictured are the wheels, spray glue, screws and partitions against the wall.

Monday, September 7, 2009

East side main sanctuary wall

There is some sanding and taping that has been started here. Needs more work and then needs painting. Do you like this kind of project? Go for it.-------------------------Thanks -Jay D.------------Thursday on our "Work Half Day" Jay applied his skills to this project! Go Jay Go!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Painting projects Future prayer room

This is the room off the North Auditorium. It was planned to be our future kitchen but that was going to be too expensive. It is the room that Mark has for the Sunday School class. Someday it will be a Prayer Room. It needs to be Spackled, sanded, and touch up painted over all the spots. Use "Practical Beige". Then a large White board will go up just to the right of the T.V. See Lyn for placement of board.----------------------------------------------------Thanks Jeffrey W. for fixing this hole in the wall-----------Thanks to Merrick L.For spot painting this room and Mark W. who is only 7yrs. old for helping put the light switch covers back on. GREAT JOB Guys !!!!!!

Thanks for priming hall leading to bathrooms by the kitchen on Aug 15th. Now paint with "Sand Dune" paint. Sand/prime woodwork with special primer. Paint the woodwork "Spalding Grey."------------Not done yet.

You maybe wondering where the supplies are. They are kept under the west stairwell. There is a door to your left as you are coming to the bottom of the West Entry stairs. Most of the paint and supplies are in there but some are in a garbage can in the boiler room. If you have questions call Jerry W. or Lyn L.

Walls and trim need painting

This is the hallway to the two bathrooms next to the kitchen. The wood trim needs to be primed and painted. Also the walls painted too.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sept. 12th project---1 downspouts to do! Bring your shovel

This is the last downspout. If some of you could come and bring your strong able bodied sons to dig this up and reconnect this job could be history in 2 or 3 hours. We are only digging up about 8 feet out from the building and inserting PVC sewer pipe. This gives us a glued, leak proof downspout to the existing drain corrugated pipe.To do this we need a couple guys. I will have all the supplies but you need to bring the shovels and the muscle.-----------
This down spout is the last one to do and we or done. This is the northwest corner of the sanctuary.

May need new caulking around frame

I noticed the light is crooked--anyway--- we need to seal the cracks in this caulking.

Fall and spring A/C removal and install

Pastor Chad,Pastor Al and Sheryl all have these window A/C units. If someone would like to step forward and volunteer to remove them in the fall and reinstall them in the spring that would be great. They were overlooked this winter and they do cause a draft and heat loss. Thanks.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another downspout DONE!

We finished the downspout and drain at the northeast side. It looks like it will direct water out and away. Good job boys! Jeffrey W., Ryan W. and Mark W. all worked on this. I'll give you boys a good reference when you are looking for a job!

Some of our door stops are missing the rubber end piece. Does anyone know where we can get more of them? ACE?

Peeling paint around windows on south entrance door way

The decision is still needing to be made whether to paint or cover this wood with metal to make it maintenance free. I like the sound of that! If we could paint this on the 12th that would be great. Ask Lyn if she knows if we have this paint in storage, otherwise get it at ACE.

South facing entrance door---DONE---------Thanks Jim H.

The weather stripping is coming off at the bottom of these double doors. It needs some small screws and a drill motor. Probably a 15 minute job. May need to run to the hardware store for the right size screws.----------Task accomplished--Thanks to Jim H.--------Looks good!!!-----The bottom seal may need replacing--fair amount of light showing through. This may need more attention on the bottom, the light comes through. If you want to go to ACE and get another door seal for the bottom of the door that would be great!

Residential size gutter-------More water in basement.

We added a 5' piece of downspout to get past these cracks in the side walk. Too late though because it rained heavy on the 14th and wet the basement again. We still want to caulk these cracks soon. I have caulking in the boiler room. Put some foam in the crack and fill it with caulk.
There seems to be a problem with there being a crack in the cement. As far as we can tell (Jim H. and Jerry W.) the water runs in the crack and into the basement. We maybe wrong but it would be safe to put a gutter extension on this until we can look into sealing the crack. Got comments? I will buy a piece if no one has any at home they want to part with.

Rotten railroad tie

If anyone has 4' piece of railroad tie they want to get rid of bring it to the church.